Speaker and Scribe – Calculator Style

Knowing how to work your own calculator is sometimes just as important as knowing how to solve a math problem especially when it comes to logs! In my precalculus class we did an activity through our notes the other day to practice calculator work. We were focusing on word problems using log, ln and e. Once we got the problem set up to solve it was time for “Speaker and Scribe!” Here are the instructions:

speaker and scribe instructions

It was very revealing for students if they knew how to operate their own calculator real quick! Knowing the right amount of parentheses to use was a huge eye opener! Plus this way they couldn’t just fake their way thought it, they were forced to work with someone and they only way to get the answer was with their partner.

speaker and scribe

I have heard about “Speaker and Scribe” used in other ways, but this really worked out well for my precalc kids!

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