Series Foldable – AP Calc BC

Ahhh, the dreaded chapter in AP Calc BC, SERIES (sing dun-dun-duuun!!). I get it, there is a lot to remember, especially when it comes to the tests for convergence or divergence. We have been using a wonderful packet of material from Master Math Mentor, but we need something a little bit more “handheld” as an easy reference guide. A foldable to the rescue! (I got the foldable idea from a fellow colleague, who got it from another colleague. Yay, for sharing is caring!)

I wanted this one to be slimmer so I cut the paper in half lengthwise and we needed lots of spots for writing, so I needed 6 different colors. We gave each test a section (filled it in as we learned them) and on the back pair of pages we glued in a flow chart to help us decide which test to use. I actually got the flow chart from Teachers Pay Teachers, it was one of the best I could find and I figured my students were worth it. 🙂

Series foldable
Here is a picture of the foldable one section at a time in case you want to make something similar with your class.

I have seen and given to students many different charts and summaries of these tests for convergence and divergence over the years, but I am really digging this year’s version! It is slim, compact, stays all together, has a flow chart. What I like best, though, is that is all all in one place, but unlike a grid or a table, students can look at one test at a time and not have the other tests vying for their attention.

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